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COVID-19 Plan of Action

PayZone Energy Services is taking every action recommended by the CDC and local governments in the fight against this novel virus.


We believe in the safety and health of our employees and their families as well the individuals we encounter throughout our workday.


Considering Texas’ latest report of an uptick in cases, we want to assure our valued customer base that we continue to combat this virus by doing our part to keep everyone safe!


Our specific protocols are outlined below:

  • Social Distancing – When commencing in our warehouse locations, employees are to keep six or more feet apart.


  • Hand Washing – One or more of our shop managers are there constantly to ensure and enforce this practice.


  • Disinfecting – At the beginning and end of each workday, the employees wipe down their workstations, tools, and vehicles with disinfecting wipes or disinfecting spray.


  • Sanitizing – Our employees are staying vigilant in using hand sanitizer as an added way to kill germs.​


  • Temperature Monitoring – We have obtained non-contact thermometers, so we can monitor our employees daily. If at any point an employee has a temperature and/or symptom of any kind, they are responsible for notifying management immediately so that further action can be taken; including but not limited to, sending employee home and directing them to seek medical attention from his or her PCP.

  • Cough/Sneeze in Arm – Employees are urged to use this practice to stop the spread of respiratory droplets from getting into the air or on surfaces.


  • Cleanliness & Hygiene – Employees are urged to practice good hygiene, including washing their work uniforms daily.


  • Daily Reminders – PayZone utilizes an app called Crew in which all employees are plugged into. We post daily flyers with the symptoms of Covid 19 as well as how to limit or prevent their exposure to the virus.


  • Covid 19 Questionnaire  – we participate in having our employees self-evaluate themselves by answering assessment questions DAILY. This also helps us monitor employees “personal time” activities to ensure us they are getting as limited exposure to the public as possible, which is listed in Texas’ reopening current phase plan.


  • Rig Visits – Rig Checks, Rig Downs, Rig Ups are performed ONLY when requested by clients.


© 2020 PayZone Energy Services. Design by Jacqui Simses

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